We welcome consultations throughout the academic year for students who wish to apply for a place in years 7-11. It should be noted that the decision on any In-Year consultation will depend on the following:
If the school has allocation within the proposed class (there is a set limit to each class assigned to all classes, which meets the health and safety needs of staff and students, along with the proposed needs, resources and curriculum)
If the school is suitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child
If the admission of the child would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children
If the admission of the child would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources
For our Sixth Form;
Students in Year 11 must complete an application form and attend an interview.
The Student’s behaviour, attendance and progress will be reviewed before a place in 6th Form is
A student’s place in 6th Form can be revoked if their behaviour and/or attendance falls short pf the
school’s expectations
Read our full Admissions policy here